Saturday, April 30, 2005
AZ Rejects Cops Arresting Illegals
BLOGGS..this is not a typical or traditional situation taking place here OR across the Nation. Action must be taken, please see the post for the CLEAR Act below.
Federal Judge Bashing a Concern
Guns are for Personal Safety
BLOGGS...please don't miss this post, it explains why so many foreign criminals are at large in our community, and what must be done to remove the criminals.
Friday, April 29, 2005
US Border is a VolleyBall Net
KVOA Video Player
Fighting the New World Order
Iran Plans Attack on US
Bills Banning Guns
Fervent Passion Minus Nationality
Inmates Deaths Taking Toll
BLOGGS...this is a despicable, suspicious account... since it is widely believed by many in the political cult ...many innocent people are wrongfully accused, innocent and incarcerated. These deaths must be fully investigated not be ignored.
Illegals Working Nukes
The Status Quo
The Veteran's Political Party
Thursday, April 28, 2005
AZ "Tough Sheriff " Wrecks Cruiser
BLOGGS...was the Sheriff cleared of wrong-doing because he is exempt or immune from the LAW?
URGENT: Lobby from Home Today
Judiciary like the KKK
Prosecutors Attack Judiciary in CT
BLOGGS.. CT "persecutors" go after a fair, and firm Judge. This case should not be sealed but open to the Court of public opinion! Are the Persecutors attempting to conceal their identity, and protect their careers from future Judicial reprimand?
US State Department WARNS
BLOGGS...most of the false arrest against US citizens by Mexi- Federales is actually a kidnapping for ransome scheme; held as hostages in Mexi- Federal prisons.
Killing the Messenger in Mexi-
Mexico's drug cartels... are numerous, deadly — and they hate attention from the news media."
Illegal Immigration Cover for Crime
“They are involved in the smuggling of (immigrants), narcotics, guns and other criminal activity that makes them a serious threat to our security...some federal lawmakers have suggested MS-13 may have links to al-Qaida, which would use the gang’s help to sneak across the U.S.-Mexico border."
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Mayor Charged with Crime
Clinton II : Wants Border Czar
BLOGGS... if Clinton II can't provide total Border coverage after billions of tax dollars have been spent by Congress for Border security, maybe the Minutemen Project should be deputized for permanent back-up for US Border Patrol.
Banning an Eco-System
BLOGGS...playing with Mother Nature is not a role cut out for polticians...
CT and Drugging the Kids
BLOGGS...this has got to be the ulitmate case for child a State Department.
Gun Suit Dismissed in CT
Defense Becomes Murder Inc.
US Minimizing Human Crisis
FINALLY: No Proof & No Weapons
Are Saudi's the Enemy too ?
Saudi's Seek French Support
Terror Attacks Triple
Border Patrol Wants Enforcement
"The union wants the immigration laws enforced -- and if the ACLU is supporting things that are not related to the enforcement of the law and are supporting people who are breaking the law, we do not condone that."
BLOGGS... for more comments from USBP See:
Enforcement Not Judiciary Role
Law Enforcement Convoluted
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Truth must never be Demonized!
BLOGGS...we agree with Maggie, all the facts on 9/11 must be subject to the opinion and voices of the public arena...not silenced by public official predators...
US Monitors Corrupt Elections
BLOGGS... we posted "failure to thrive syndrome" post on the US Congress commission for US elections integrity... see 04/25
US Guns in Haiti
BLOGGS..see the next post...for the rest of the story.
Venezuela on Rummie
Fined on Nuclear Violation
Adding Value to Free Lunch
BLOGGS...this will not work, because...who will enforce it? STOP the irrelevancy John and Ted, and close the Border enforce the Law... and deport those who are breaking our Laws!
Group On Illegals led by 9/11 Victim
BLOGGS..Remember 9/11 and Open Borders is the ultimate unifying concept for halting illegal immigration!
New Immigration Bill for Illegals
More Corruption in Mexico
Bishops Support Mexi- Mayor
Race-Hate GroupTarget Local Biz
BLOGGS..just who is re-inventing race hate here ? The US is the most racially tolerant Nation in the World. This political group needs to find another country to de-stabilize with civil unrest.
FBI Tip Witheld from Family 10 yrs
Alleged Mob Members Target of FBI
BLOGGS...see video link w/ this report
Monday, April 25, 2005
Do You See a Drug Bust Here?
KPHO Video Player
Over-Criminalizing US Society
BLOGGS...while illegal aliens can be untouchable by the Law ...(see post below) just living in America can be a crime against US citizens.
County Prosecutor Pursues Justice
Law enforcement Pursues Illegals
Unemployment High for Troops
Visa Scams Harm US Workers
From the archives: sound Familar?
Voting Reform Chair Resigns
Judge Won't Expand Definition
BLOGGS...this outrageous political decision against the people is compromising and de-stabilizing Arizonans faith in it's elected officials. Illegals will continue to register and vote, by side-stepping provisions of Prop.200, requiring proof of bona fide identity. Only US citizens with established residency in AZ are eligible to vote in AZ elections.
Friday, April 22, 2005
AZ Reservist Cleared of Charges
BLOGGS...we believe that Maricopa County Sheriff's Office should be held fully accountable for this false arrest...Haab's action resulted in the apprehension of a coyote who deals in human smuggling.
Protecting Sodomy in Military
BLOGGS...although it is reported by military authority... this is detrimental to the troops morale, these public servants must be challenged on what is their motive for this bill?
Benedict Bush on Immigration
BLOGGS..yes he can with our permission!
Border Patrol Absurb
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Prosecutorial Misconduct & DP
"he can't seem to forgive those who screwed up and put him on Arizona's death row "
BLOGGS..who in Society can forgive and forget Prosecutors who aid and abet cops who lie, fudge police reports, and the scum in the Courts who intentionally frame the innocent...there must be punitve reprisals for these public official predators.
Guilty OR Not AZ Luvs DP
"Williams said he would file a motion within the next few days asking for Hill's release. Hill, he said, is in poor health. He is confined to a wheelchair and uses oxygen to breathe." another innocent victim of Junk Justice.
AZ GOV Muscles Junk Food
"While the prohibition would restrict on-campus sales of candy, soft drinks and other so-called junk food, it would not affect sales before or after school hours, including athletic events."
BLOGGS...since most students eat Junk Food before and after school, why even bother with this Junk piece of legislation?
Violating Public Trust: An Offense ?
The Real DRUG
Walmart Gets Whacked
The Racket and Extortion
Aristide & Black Holocaust
Bill Board SEZ NO on Sen. McCain
Minutemen, Sovereignity, Security
BLOGGS...this is a definitive moment for our Federal government.
Muslim Americans Sue over Border
"Five Muslim-Americans who were fingerprinted, searched and held as long as 6 1/2 hours by U.S. border agents upon their return from a religious conference in Canada filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the Department of Homeland Security. "
BLOGGS...would you say this is a case of different treatment by the US Border agents ??
State Trooper No Citizen- OK
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Delay's Attack on Supremes
BLOGGS...when the Constitutions gets in the way for the Judiciary, and Judges create Law from the bench, it is Judicial activism.
The View from 1776
Extradition of Taylor
The Ag Jobs Bill
Economic Indicators in Housing
AP Sues for Gitmo Docs
TSA Wasting Funding
NBC Going to the BLOGGS
Columbia Cartel SEZ NO to Mexico
BLOGGS..the notorious rebels of Columbia, do not trust Mexico; so why does Bush?
Winning Loans and Votes
BLOGGS...recently someone from Mexico mentioned how the cost of living in Mexi- is as high as the US...over-pricing for housing in Mexico w/ US S&Ls financing is real money...
Illegals is a Republican Thing
BLOGGS.. somebody used bribes,illegal entitlements,busted union jobs, and US taxpayers were swindled for the success of winning....
Govinator Scores Points may think it's...unfair...we think it is mass conspiracy w/ criminal intent, an International crisis, and a foreign invasion to the Homeland, ARNOLD !
Mystery Quote will be surprised who is spewing this speech!
Conde and the Bomb
Kick and Shove in Uniform
Nat'l. Hearing: Prison Violence
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
The Civil Homeland Defense Warns
Beware: Americans in Lawn Chairs
The American Nightmare
A Few New Rules
BLOGGS...when public officials violate our trust... they need be ... subject to public scorn and ridicule... by we the people.
Potatoes for Po-tat-toes in CT
The Real Scam & Scum at UN
Should FDIC be Prosecuted ? you know what your bank is doing with your money...this is no time to be ignorant about the new bank burglars.
IRS: US Citizens at Risk...
BLOGGS...maybe outsourcing US income tax return work is not a hot idea at all!
A New National Holiday ?
Sunday, April 17, 2005
How the US is being Destroyed...
Soldier Gets Public Support, but Who Grabs El Baggo?
"I think he is getting a raw deal," said Bisbee resident Ronald Stone, a retired Army chief warrant officer and Vietnam veteran. "I want to do all I can for him . . . As far as I am concerned, he was defending his country."
BLOGGS...why is it a crime for a US citizen to defend themself against criminals at large ? Can Sheriff Arpaio known for favoritism, and taking "campaign funds" from criminal elites be supporting foreign intervention, and a criminal class? Maybe this case will be enough reason and rage to recall Arpaio once and for all...
Cops Killing: at their Pleasure
BLOGGS Beat the "news"
Terror Database is Flop
..."criticized for sharing personal information has been shut down because funding ran out."
BLOGGS...over-spending and padding the Budget for Homeland Security...
According to sources the costly , over-priced Matrix was doled out to local police departments, w/o training or personnel follow-up. Are we any safer now?
AZ Votes to Keep Guard off Border
"The Arizona Senate on Thursday narrowly refused to authorize National Guard training along the border with Mexico to help deter illegal immigration and improve military readiness. "
BLOGGS...can you think of a better place to train the AZ National Guard than on the AZ-MX border? With drug cartel, foreign troops, terrorist, international crime activity, and plenty of desert this is perfect conditioning for Iraq and Afghan.
CT Targets Illegal Aliens
"Under a 1996 federal immigration law, any municipality or state can make the request for its officers to be deputized. Boughton wrote a letter Friday to state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal asking him to start the process with the federal government."
BLOGGS..let's wait and see how Blumie handles this political bombshell..this will be a defining moment for his political career.
"UACLU" Aids Terrorist
Friday, April 15, 2005
Is this a PSA ?
Killers at Large
Thank God for the Minutemen
Mexi- Sues US Rancher $8 million
The Root of Evil
Finest River and Raw Sewage
Workers Dead on Pipeline
Slave Master Market in India
AZ : a Corporate Welfare State
E-mail War Attacks Exxon
Thursday, April 14, 2005
AZ Sheriff Charges Self Defense as Crime
More Money than GOD
Legal Mexi Sue : claims abuse
Detainees Sue US Govt.
Ghost of the Khmer Rouge
Death Sentence for Mex Jounalist
Fox Crushes Political Opponents
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
American Legion vs. ACLU
AZ Needs Enforcement Now
A Deadly Flu
the Crisis Watch
Election Buzz
Chinese fight for their garment jobs
Shooting Mexi- Journalists
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Minutemen on Border: Safe Bet
Montana Crack-Down HPA
The Hillary Scare
The Disloyal Jerks Party
BLOGGS.. Shays played a role in the big scare to take Iraq perpetrated in 2003, see the Gilmore Commission. He is a republican-lite-moderate.
AZ: Crack-Down on Used Cars
BLOGGS...AG Terry is best known for his solitary decision, preventing enforcement of Prop. 200, the law passed on voter inititive. ... due to the failed enforcement of Prop. 200. AZ tax dollars are unethically profitted by illegal aliens , who continue to register and vote in AZ elections a violation of the law Prop. 200 was to curb.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Homeland Security Fails
Machine Gunz for the Border the Middle East they would call this...the American Way.
Border Sensors Busted for Years
BLOGGS..the same sensors "they" accused the Minutemen tripping last week, haven't ever worked. Somebody in DC and CT have a lot of explaining to do...
US Bars Woman Terrorist
BLOGGS... the Cowboy Gang has profiled a terrorist woman and Conde is having a fit...
School Snitches: Working for Cops
BLOGGS...this is irresponsible transfer of power and duty. Paid snitches frame innocent people, and cover criminals who work for dirty cops. If the law did it's job, it wouldn't have to bribe HS students for collusion schemes.
Brave Small Nation Fights FTA's
BLOGGS...legislators were chased for blocks by this mob, against the US trade treaties.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
BLOGGS... see advanced directives below
We'll Leave Iraq if Asked
Cowboy Wants Your Bank Records
BLOGGS...we believe that the entire Administration needs to open it's personal bank records to show the American public just who is pirateering and looting.
BLOGGS...former Congressman Bob Barr (R-GA) has joined the American Policy Centers new effort. PRCB believes ...the threat of terrorism cannot be erode our most basic freedoms in the U.S. Constitution.
Mystery Famous Quote ?
BLOGGS..are you ready to cede your freedom to the authority? Do you agree with this well-known, ex-public official ? Click above link to view the rest of the quote by _ ?_
Campaign Funds & Family Jobs
BLOGGS...public jobs, and contracts to family and friends of public officials gets real close to conflict of interest. Especially in a community property state like Arizona where the spouse automatically owns 50% interest in all property and assets.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
School Truancy & Prosecutors ?
Blaming Test Scores & Society
BLOGGS.. Stop Bush's War in Iraq bring the Troops home now.
AZ Gov "Jan the Jock" vs. the People
BLOGGS...whaddya do with a Gov who plays quarterback for special foreign interest, a former US prosecutor to AZ, (appointed by ex-prez Clinton), and playing for bust w/ taxpayer dollars giving away freebies to a criminal class?
IDAHO: taking action on illegals
EL BUSH "Grouppo"
BLOGGS.. the Minutemen are the Heartbeat of America, AND Cowboy is not politically correct w/ a group who prolifates hate against US culture, a dictator from a narco-cracy, and the propagandists...
Bush "BS" on Brutal Dictators
BLOGGS..who do you believe here, the Congress, or Cowboy?
US State Dept Policy Unchanged
BLOGGS..this is damn terrible...Conde must answer on this, send her an e-mail... if she responds let us know too.
Secret Govt. Panel Investigates
BLOGGS...the Reign of Secret Institutions in US government can not be tolerated and suffered in an open free society.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Bush Misses Cue in TERROR DRILL
WTNH Video Player
Illegals Stop Military Drill in AZ
BLOGGS...see more on this Base in post below.
The Influence Peddlers
US Travel Warning Advisory
Journalist Shot TXMXB
BLOGGS..this young woman was doing her job when hit by (9) bullets, from international organized criminals, this isn't about undocumented workers.
The "Show-Me" State Gov ain't showin'
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Judge OK's Voluntary Anthrax Shot
Troops and Illegals: One Bill this is politriks, financing the troops and amnesty for Ag illegal workers all in one appropiation
Keeping the checks on power
Mexico's Millenium Man
BLOGGS...Obrador's popularity is bigger than Zorro, according to the people he is no bushman.
Mexico Bubble about to Burst
BLOGGS...why give amnesty, and blur the border when Mexico is too dangerous, and out of control?
Taking Jobs Americans Won't DO
From the Blogger's Vault
BLOGGS...Speak for yourself archived article, but worthy of re-visiting...on second thought.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Prosecutors & Cops Sued
BlOGGS...this case is a must read...especially for victims of Junk Justice in Connecticut, the "Constitution State"...sometimes cops, prosecutors and courts are about Justice... read Ray Krone's report on taking the death penalty 2x's.
Al's Favorite Law: Patriot's Act
Marines Code: the Red Stripe this de ja vu you have goose bumps ?
The Dumb and Numb Agenda
BLOGGS...does Conde recall civil liberties? US citizens are "persons of interest" because it is a lot easier to hassle an innocent American for the sake of pretense, (more perception-distortion), than to track, and stop dangerous Terrorists.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
AZ Gov: Veto on Voter ID AZ where it is a common belief among some groups, that your right to vote comes from the Bible, and since last general election more than 70% of new voter registration was by non-US citizens, do you think the Gov is exercising political clout Or prudent public policy?
AZ Gov Jan "subject of complaints"
Border Patrol Hit
Visa-for-Sale Ring Bust
Riot at Iraq Prison
Monday, April 04, 2005
Are you ready for TERROR ?
WFSBTV Video Player
The HUSH Money
BLOGGS...a pathetic report ...ignoring the Eath's assets ignoring air, water, and the environment, by public officials. No wonder last week it was disclosed that only one-third of the Earth's assets are still intact.
Pure & Perfect Politirks
Lopez Obrador has built a huge following thanks to heavy spending on social programs and construction projects in the Western Hemisphere's biggest city."
BLOGGS...the criminal charges on Obrador are fabricated, and must be dismissed. This scheme is a BushFox conspiracy to stop the politically brillant star of Obrador from delivering Mexico from human despair, poverty, not to mention the privatization of the oil fields by the Carlyle grouppo.
Pro-Illegals Watch "the Abuses" ? has been reported that ACLU is supported by Ford Foundation money and currently none of their agenda is pro-America... and Navarro is a reported racist. Since the US is the most diversified country in the World, why is this "group" pushing illegal entry of indigent Mexicans" setting them up to fail, by breaking the law after crossing a dangerous desert? This is exploitaion of the worst kind.
Mexico: Signs to Stop Torture
BLOGGS...why are all the pro-illegal groups at the AZMXB screaming human rights violations against the Minutemen who are there for National security reasons...they really need to rally and protest in Mexico. The last group of foreign activist to protest in MX were tossed in prison... and tortured.
...please no Santiago Creel on this one, he is way too-busy fighting in the USA against HR violations, against illegal aliens and in total denial about what's up in the land of drug cartels....
Sunday, April 03, 2005
POLITICAL Law Enforcement
BLOGGS...isn't this typical in a police state. Elected Sheriff Joe is reported by many for his own brand of law enforcement.
BLOGGS...The Maricopa County Hospital provided $28 million for illegal newborn care last year, this money is funded by the property owners. Property tax bills have increased on vacant land anywhere from 50-75% in Maricopa County. Supporting a foreign criminal class is neither legal or ethically obligatory.
Cooked Intel was OK for War
BLOGGS...somebody needs to shut down this illegal War now... isn't this crimes against humanity?
Top Clinton Aid: A Noodle Lashing
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Orange County Arresting Illegals
US Congressman at the BORDER
Open Border, Wiretaps & National Security the government keeping you safe by wiretapping US citizens? Who's bugging the foreign special interest agents ?