Tuesday, May 31, 2005
BUSH BLASTS Gitmo Report
Let's hear what Ben Laden has to say on this one...
CT Cops STOP Street Ministry
Cops Take Homeless Man's Bike
"obtained security camera evidence that appears to show Mr. Campbell buying the bicycle. Toronto Police are reviewing the incident and reserving comment until later"
Legislation for Disaster
Chertoff Can Void ALL LAW
Prison Guards Kill Birds
Illegal in Rape Case
..."in the United States illegally — status that escaped notice despite three arrests, officials said"
Harmless error, lax on law enforcement leads to tragic death.
The New Polictical Justice
The argument politicians make for the sanctuary city policy is rather simple: If you don't enforce some laws then you will be better able to enforce other laws. In short, this is selective law enforcement that often compromises the integrity of police officers.
This policy of sanctuary selection of law by police does not just apply to illegals...there is a reported trend of police protecting criminals to false arrest the innnocent.
General Myers Message
DoD Enemy of the VETS
"No other agency in the United States has a reputation of being this relentless in attacking the benefits our government has promised veterans, or obligations it must accept on behalf of those who sacrificed everything for their country. Not too long ago all veterans were told by the administration that promises made would be promises kept. It seems DoD never got that message"
This attack on Vets is no different than closing bases, privatizing social security, it's all a Bad deal for Americans and their money.
House Backs WTO Vote
Bolton, Bush & BS
Fabricating Nuke Tests
CrackDown on Dissent
Nicarauga Suspending Constitution
Free Press Crunch
Free Media & Democracy
People NOT Sheep
Beating People like Rats
UN Covers for Killer SWAT
US Illegal Secret Arms & Haiti
BELIZE Paradise Lost
Monday, May 30, 2005
Rummie Picks Commission
General Myers DisAgrees
Sunday, May 29, 2005
How Globalist Meet
Secrecy to promote lively, open discussions, let us hear from you on this.
CIA Tells ALL: BushCo & the War
Secret Wealth of Global Elitists
The New FED Immigration ACT
No Risk to Illegal Employers
It's no big thing, nobody takes the Law serious, they don't even enforce it!
Laundry $100 for (1) Wash
If French Vote NO
European Sovereignty
The Science in Criminal Reform
Bush on Borders
Do as I say attitude not as I do shines through the Bushit!
Land Mines: The Tool for Borders
Why are these Borders militarized, why would they want to stop illegal entry ?
Faulty Logic in Gay Marriage
Not so claims expert..there are some very unhappy people because of this unsupported claim.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Senator Caught on Camera Busted
It's takes more than a village to clean-up the scum, and sleeze in State legislatures.
Blow Fish and Bloated Bellies
Who are the terrorists now? ...It's getting hard to tell...
Body Cavity Check is Next
Praying to the Evil GOD
OH LORD GOD save them from this EVIL...
"Victim Touched the STUN" is PC
Commandera of "Torture" in US
Who's Watchin' the Attorney Generals?
Friday, May 27, 2005
BushCo Hustle
View stream video ...is good at 128K
A Few Sordid Details on Globalism
Is somebody in your community passing control and possession of a public utility over to a new entity? Or is the Mayor taking expensive vacations to Mexico?
The McCain Mutiny
Totalization Contracts
Turn Your Entire Family into SPIES
With all the drug snitches, jailhouse informants, bad cops who cover for cons, and Prosecutors who owe favors or vendettas...and Judges takin' bribes...do we need for any more Justice?
A Really Big Stun Gun
STAR WARZ is here and who are the unfortunates to be FRIED?
Bloody Butchers to the HAGUE
Congressman John Conyers Needs YOU
Armchair Activism please sign Congressman's letter...
Fat Rich Kid Orders Death
No women Safe with the CLINTONS
Judicial Term Limits
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Criminals in AZ Use Backdoor
Protection can be bought in many ways.
VERMIN in TN Busted by FED
A self-enrichment scheme is exposed in TN, God Bless TN people and deliver them from this EVIL.
New LA Mayor w/ olde Rap Sheet
And so did Richard Speck, serial killer...wear the same Tat WARNING LABEL...as more criminals enter public office democracy deforms to dictatorships...where the perfect crimes are born...
Prosecutor Takes Noodle Lashing
The Constitution is Flushed too
US Pension Plans Pay for TERROR
LA Pays 70 Million for Bad Cops
US Flag is Trashed in JAPAN
A symbolic view of BushCo seen by the Global community.
Right Wings are US Al Quida
A scathing Judgement rendered
War Scheduled for this Weekend
What Happened to a Nation
Describes the disaster, thoroughly
Smashing Traders
Redevelopement project in the making...
Home of the Millionaires
The Oil Giants
Rummie Down on News Intel
We tend to believe there is not enough facts and truth in the news...
Dear US Soldier: A Letter
Toxic Sub Base
FED-Up Yet?
US Runs the Global Gulag System
The BushCo version and practice of the "D" word....
OutSourced to China Get Prison
Imagine moving your biz to China for the economic edge...but you get arbitrarily detained instead??
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
AZ Prop.200 Hits Gov & AG in Court
Gov Jan and AG Terry been havin' a good ole time paying for foreign illegals with our tax dollars..AND THAT'S NOT ALLL!
CT Confused on LAW?
How much longer is it going to take Connecticut Leaders to enforce the rule of Law...da..ahh? Don't get further confused by Un-Sharpton Al, or messy Jesse...who is preachin' US citizens and illegals aliens are a coalition of the confused illegal united citizens....minus the Anglos
CT Children Die in Med CTR
Child Cruelty and Neglect
There can be nothing more telling about a society's than the love and care for children, elderly and animals.
Suicide on rise in CT Prison
Sounds like the staff, and COs need some serious profiling and investigating here. Suicide is not an epidemic, so why is it on the rise ?
Heaven for Cop Killers
Nobody at BushCo wants to touch this one...
In God Only We Trust
This is going to Court too, somebody is violated again...more commie socialist intervention.
Denying Access to Private Property
It's rights of ingress, egress why are these citizens having delayed Justice, like denied Justice ?
The Tillman Death Hoax
Shocking and criminal...facts
Over-reaching by GOVT.
Chalk one (1) up for civil rights...there is absolutely no compeling argument for civil rights infringements when US Borders are welcome mats for terrorism. Leave citizens alone and enforce the Laws at the Border...
The UN-Patriot's ACT
Stop faking the public anything outside of the Constitution is illegal- Uphold the Law or get out of Government!
Where is Leadership in USA?
There is plenty of True Grit all around, only PC immature, bubble-heads can't comprehend it, so they demonize, and discriminate against those who got it.
Mandarins, Madarins
Hears another Test for fundamental US principles forthe US Congress will they over-sight and balance the Judiciary?
Bank Heist: Inside Job
Banks affected are Bank OF AMERICA and Wachovia...
Chavez a Leader for the People
Opposing Globalists in DC and the international crime cartel of bankers is uniting the Latin States
Saving Panama's Canal & Forest
Not Cold Enough for Igloos
Monday, May 23, 2005
The Disenchanted
Constitutionally Correct: It's CC
AZ Gov: Throws Away the Keys
When public officials cease being Human, they can be easily replaced by robots and computers. Replacing politicians with robots and computers will certainly remove many ills in government for instance the morally bankrupt and the criminally insane will be gone.
Save a Bundle on Water Bills
Would you buy this, gray water technology, let us know.
Under Doctor's Care
Medical professionals are coerced into obstruction of the Law, and is legally incorrect. PC must Never pre-empt the Law.
Philistines are Everywhere
Armstrong Williams is Back?
VP Dick: Got World Order?
Did Dick pass his mental-screen for '05? We need to know, who else wants to glow in the dark with Dick?
BushCo Fouls
Chinese Culture & Capitalism
Kicking patients from hospitals is not exactly a chapter in capitalism
Should Tom Delay Get Jail or Prison
If Delay is such a person of interest...then why aren't the Federal Judges and prosecutors plotting for Tom?
Chump's Talk is not Cheap
AZ Tillman Death Cover-UP
US Military Death Camp
A report on war crimes...and a failing grade for the entire human race.
DC Reports: Troops to US Border
The Militia and the Free State
The legally correct explanation of the militia, it's purpose and function is here, this is No PC!
Worked Hard for the Money
Another Clinton's LEGACY
Delusions Drive a Prince
Royalty need not apply, it's simply about people, precious human beings, magnificent individual creations by the Almighty Maker from which the human factor has been entirely omitted from the Prince's scheme of things...more delusions of grandeur.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Demand them to ACT NOW!
Background Checks for Judges
Any Comments here ?
AZ Gov a True Friend
There is an ole saying...with friends like this, who needs en-----?
Congressman Tancredo is a HEAVY
Would it be fair to say, Nicely is a threat to US Security at the Border?
Chief of Police with Zero Tolerance
It's about time a leader in public safety is taking action on decadence and corruption in AZ law enforcement.
Call, Complain, or Cry Line
The Professionally Corrupt
Obstruction of the Law by corruption in the Law, know the offenders!
Foreign Criminals Go Free
Is this a compelling case of a national security crisis created by the domestic enemy in US government?
Do you really know who is Pro-Illegal? Check this out.
Minnesota Shoots Bullseye on Law
Hey Vincente Fox... keep Mexi narco-terrorists outta here.
NRA Prez sets the "cookie-cutter" crowd straight...
More Dog and Pony
Sounds like US women again, but this is about the Middle East.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Mexi- Drug Commandos in AZ
Show them the Finger!
Loss of Sovereignty
That means an overhaul in American governmental leadership very soon"
Judge Accuses Spys
The Tyrant Liberals LUV
Karzai Shocked by US Abuse
Friday, May 20, 2005
Gangsters in Tuscon Mtns.
Military Police, Border & Cocaine
Law enforcement's function in public safety and integrity must not be taken for granted by the public.
McCain Defends Illegals in Resorts
Back Home after 35 Yrs.
Mexi- Flag tops Ole Glory
AZ Gov Jan Ducks Dean's Vs....
Why did democratic AZ Gov avoid Dean, the National Dem Committe chairman?
UC at Berkley Strike Gets HOT
Do not underestimate what's happening here...
Canada Ignores Workers
Sheriff Soft on School Bomb Threat
"How-to" Take back the Nation
Defines the problem and offers utimate solution...
Mystery Prosecutor (?)
Crimes Against Humanity Cont.
Guatamala, El Salvador Emergency
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Legalizing the Illegal
PTSD an Epidemic
Mercury Consumption
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
FEMA Funds Fakes
Homeland Security FLAWED
Betrayed on the Border
Judiciary: Cease Criticism
This is a weak, hollow argument attempting to cease public scrutiny and crticism of the Judiciary...who may believe they are the last crust of royalty...
CT Cop charged w/ Beating
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Blake knows how lying media works ...
Stealing America's Life BLOOD
Agent Orange: Death & Disclosure
Victim's of Agent Orange, help is here now...see this post
Against the DRAFT
Mothers matter... arm-chair activism starts here..
The 9/11 Lawsuit
"Defendant Bush is invoking a long standard operating procedure of national security and executive privilege claims to suppress the basis of this lawsuit."
The Bush bucks don't STOP here, see the juicy details on the defendant
Saudi Crack-down on Dissension
Politician Charged with Child Sex
Clinton and the Hate Crimes
"Hate speech' and 'hate crime' as legal categories usher in the concept of political crime -- as un-American a proposition as there can be. America's survival depends on the unequivocal rejection of political crime.
Historical context a must read for the present social turmoil.
Prosecutor's Flawed Case
Bush Gang behind this false arrest, and wrongful conviction...over-turned.
Taxes Run Retirees from Homes
Soviet Check-Points in US
Ill. Gov Gets Subpoena
Politicians Create War
US Government for DUMMIES
Here is the thumbnail sketch of what is happening TO OUR COUNTY...let Congress know,that you know...
Monday, May 16, 2005
Congressman Tancredo "HOGWASH"
The Denver Murder & the Mayor
Witness on fake ID tells All
With all the strip searches and x-ray equipment, nobody at TSA checks IDs for fakes at airports...
Cops Commit Hate Crime
Killed in Custody
Call SWAT for Peely Paint
Female property owners are becoming a frequent target by US local dim-wits... especially if you oppose local interference with rights to property.
Bush Buddy Boils in Oil
Corrupt Officials or Dictators?
Do you feel as though a local dictaor is silencing you from living by the Law, are you legally correct, and arrested? Let us know about your dictators
Military Commander: Serial Killer
Fighting the Illegal War
Young recruits question US security,terrorism at home and why are they protecting Iraq's border, when the USA is wide open for invasion and more terror?
Funding Improper
Bad Trade like Bad Sex
Wal-Mart: Rock Bottom in Nutshell
Resist TREATIES & DC Devil
Mexico & Dump Free Trade
Friday, May 13, 2005
AZ Fights Special Foreign Interest
"Since then, legislators who want to limit immigration have filed about 20 bills this year to confront illegal immigration or related issues"
Lets give the real Americans fighting for US in AZ a lot of credit and support...
Amnesty for Global World Order
You are What you Believe
Popular establishment media should have a warning label, or disclaimer like cigaretttes..imagine...reading this material can be dangerous ....
Terrorism is ( fill in blank)
The United States is not fighting a war against terror. Terror is an emotional response. Fighting a war against terror makes no more sense than fighting a war against greed or envy. Democracy is the new euphoria for the global wretchedness imposed by international corruption, terror is it's ends, not it's means..
The "D"word is the "F" word
Meet Delay, INC in DC
A Fake Legal Proceeding?
"A Bush Judge Under Scrutiny: A Fake Legal Proceeding to Ban an American's Freedom
Warning: Do Not Miss This...please allow for load time.
What the Media Covers-Up
Forced Labor a Social Evil
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Victim of False Prosecution?
Kill and Destroy the Culture
Law Enforcement & Slave Trade
Yes this is perfect logic, enforcing the law, makes things worst...blah,blah, blah...just keeping cranking more propaganda...
DC Linked to Torture
Yesterday someone said it is a crime to threaten a public official...well is it NOT also a crime for a public offficial predator to torture and kill a citizen?
US Attacks Human Rights in Nepal
Unite the Fight against Criminals
Breaching the Oath of Office
Not only is there violation of the Oath to public office, there is blatant disregard for the will of the people, the citizens, and crimes committed against the public.
Trade Treaties like Mob Pacts
The Clintonists must be held accountable for the Global human suffering they created...please vote all encumbents out of office involved with this criminal intent.
NJ to Seize Property over Gunz
Bad Laws make for a failed State, this is twisted logic of the laws, rights, and crime. Stop this one now.
USA has WMDs too!
American democracy, and the BLOGGS is not for the weak...would you agree?
English Only for Unity Act
Corruption Case built on Snitches
VP Cheney Case Tossed
This is the rule of executive justice and privelege of percs
Tale of Treasurer & Two Bankers
Lack of enforcement on ethical violations is pretty much the start of most public scandals, why doesn't self-governing over-sight work for public officials? and ...why can't effective citizens review commissions be sustainable? We want to hear from you.
Hillary and the Spit of Nixon
Domestics Attack Arnold
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Cops, Crime and Cover-Ups
CBS 5 Video Viewer
Deputies Shoot, Fire Rounds
Sensitivity training or reality check needed here ? Deputies go into a shooting rage in Compton neighborhood.
Charged: for Causing Cop Scare
When law enforcement over-reacts, or does something stupid... somebody will be arrested.
The Dark Bolton
Petition to Keep Pryor off Bench
This public official predator went after Judge Moore and the Ten Commmandments, God's rules of Law!
Congress Can Check Judges...
Prosecutors Hide Murder Evidence
Withhholding evidence is ..serious prosecutorial misconduct
Berg Family Blames Bush!
Do you know SCUM?
The truth of the outrage, see how politically correct geeks think.
Sex Assault in the Military
This retaliation sounds familar... like when a woman calls police, as a victim of crime, it is reported and common, the female victim is charged, and false arrested also.
Clinton Roadless Rule DEAD
Don't forget...no checks and balances either...
The Real Bad ID-ea ACT
Read the high-lights at this link
The Great Database Robbery
This sure raises a very good point not to support the Real ID Act.
Old Despots Never DIE
On Trial for RACISM
Sneak Attack on Mexico
See public policy shift and change against the tired, poor, aged, and hungry in El Fox mundo!
The Migration Mystique
Here are all the hard facts you need to prove your point to the "soft on crime" representatives who vacillate on the "I" word...
Connecticut Copes w/ Criminals
AZ is Drugsters Alley
Most of these members are headed all points North...
Sunday, May 08, 2005
US Outsources TORTURE
Cooking Excuses for TORTURE
SEE link: Case in point
BLOGGS... check (2) links here for this historical reference on what the US Govt. represents today in the Global community.
Smoking Gun found on Bush
BLOGGS...the Bush machine is blowin' black smoke...
Blair the Butcher Must Go !
Apply Your Boot to Bolton's Butt
The Bush Illegal Migration Scam
FBI, CIA the inner War
BLOGGS..when factual reporting becomes an anonymous meeting for self help is it in denial for recovery ?
More Security for US
BLOGGS..are you feeling safer yet because of the US Congress or because of Cowboy?
Bankers Behind the Evil Curtain
This might be tolerable if limitless wealth was all they wanted. But they also want limitless power: not just one-world dictatorship but total control over our minds and souls."
BLOGGS...more proof of the evil corps and bankers who are behind the torture and killing.
Amy Goodman Interviews Torture
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Bush, Nazi's and Fear
BLOGGS...the propaganda of fear, see what diva Streisand sez about the Bloody Bush.
UK axes Healthcare for Brits
BLOGGS...this sound like a Terry S. politrik here, what about the scoundrels in the Parliament...they must be included too!
Keep Hands Off US Healthcare!
BLOGGS...legislating what's best for corporations and the Hell with people does not make sound public policy...
9/11 Party to Impeach Invite
The Radioactive WAR
The Disclosure Project
Police Must Exercise Respect in Iran
BLOGGS... US law enforcement should heed this advice when upholding the law with some respect, and dignity toward others.