Monday, July 11, 2005

AZ Gov Can't Fool All

Kathy McKee, Chairman,Founder Protect Arizona NOW writes...
"Is anyone fooled by Janet Napolitano's call for an immigration "summit" next week or a crackdown on fraudulent I.D.'s in Arizona? Remember, she vetoed a wonderful bill that would have prohibited using foreign consular I.D.'s (such as Mexico's matricula consular cards) for I.D. – knowing full well that only illegal aliens want or need these foreign I.D.'s. In fact, the only anti-illegal immigration bills she signed was the one prohibiting taxpayer funds from being used for illegal alien day-laborer centers; unfortunately, the way this bill was drafted and passed, it would not affect the day-laborer center in Phoenix or Chandler, so other than sending a message, it's not that useful a tool..."

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