Friday, July 08, 2005

John from Australia writes:

Judith Miller, a 28-year old veteran of the New York Times has been imprisoned in the USA by a Judge for refusing to divulge her sources of information. This imprisonment is illegal because a Judge has no jurisdiction to imprison anyone without the consent of both parties to an action to be without a Jury. "Magna Carta is now seen as a traditional mandate for trial by jury, justice for all, accountable government and no arbitrary imprisonment" - Magna Carta Monument, Canberra.

The Fully Informed Jury Association's leaflet, "Why did our founding fathers expect citizen Juries to judge our laws as well as the guilt of the individual", includes the story of John Peter Zenger (Zenger's Case 1735) which "is praised in history textbooks as a hallmark of freedom of the press in the United States" because a Jury acquitted the journalist when he was accused of seditious libel for having critized a royal governor of New York.

Why have American citizens - especially journalist - in 2005 relinquished their Rights?

Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

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