Sunday, August 20, 2006

Is US Law Enforcement Outta Control?

AZ Sheriff Escapes Justice
Que Pasa Joe! a notorious sheriff in the Phoenix, lacks accountability to the AZ Gov, State Attorney General, the legislature, and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors??

Video: Cops Shoot Woman & Laugh!
Florida law-enforcement drill for excessive force..what do we do with cops who shoot civilians, with rubber bullets, then have a laugh-in?

Chicago cops Beat 9-11 Journalist
Does this sound like Sinatra's kinda town...when cops spy reporter then pummel him with a beating in his home in front of family?

Ca. Private Police Force Targets Illegal Aliens
Doing the job, the cops refuse to do....

Cops for Christ Make a Few Points
About 1/3 of an officer's time is spent dealing with criminals. The rest is
about service to the public and helping people.

Stop the Unlawful Abuse of Authority...a petition
Read and endorse.

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