Monday, October 31, 2005

Cops Outta Control for Halloween

See above video link on how Wisconsin cops play outta control with community event.. for Halloween (please allow load time, no sound)

Libertarian Activist Alleges Treason by Judge
In his pro se pleadings, Stanley argued that failure to overturn his unconstitutional conviction would result in the judges being subject to treason charges for failure to uphold their oaths of office to defend the Constitution. In turn, Stanley argued, a treason charge would result in the issuance of a "mutual defense pact militia warrant" for the arrest of the judges. Stanley's conviction for two counts of attempt to influence a public servant stem from the filing of these two pleadings.

Judge Orders Cease: NFL Pat-down
Why is it, then, that even highly trained Israeli security and military personnel have not always been able to visually detect the presence of suicide vests underneath bombers’ clothes?

Clinton Tied to Prison AIDS in Flick
The film reveals how for more than two decades, the Arkansas prison system profited from selling blood plasma from inmates infected with viral hepatitis and AIDS.

AZ Sheriff Runs Big Brother Video
On video…
"looked good" after six months in jail, that he "doesn't look beat up. I worry about that."

Mental Health is Social Control
In the United States alone, 8 million children and adolescents are on mind-altering drugs that put them at risk of violent and suicidal side effects."

The Yurko Project

Police Captain Charged w/ Stalking
The city of Oswego was already under the public microscope with the arrest of Oswego mayor John Gosek in September month on charges of soliciting sex with two underage girls on a cell phone paid for by the city. Gosek, who had appointed Ruggio as police chief in August , has since resigned.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Connecticut Crony Corruption

See above video link on white collar crime in Corrupticut's the tip of the iceberg for public official predators!

Connecticut Politriks Support Illegal Alien Schemes
In Connecticut, the mayor of Stamford, Dannel Molloy has instituted a “no hassle zone” so illegals can congregate for day labor. …. The mayor of New Haven, John DeStefano, wants to give these criminal illegals identification cards…these are criminal acts and these mayors should be arrested and prosecuted.

Indict Bush & Rumsfeld: War Crimes Act of 1996
The Abu Ghraib general's recent statements about torture coming from the top is an important piece of evidence for convicting Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, and a host of other top administration officials for violation of the War Crimes Act of 1996.

The World Can’t Sustain BushCo
Drive Out the Bush Regime

ACLU: Detainees Died by Torture
The documents also show that detainees died during or after interrogation by Navy Seals, Military Intelligence and ‘OGA (Other Governmental Agency) — a term, according to the ACLU, that is commonly used to refer to the CIA.

Libbey Needs Torture from ex-Boss to restore his memory block on Leak Cover-up

Anglo-American Propaganda, Violence
The US rejects the authority of the International Criminal Court over US citizens but other Coalition countries (notably the UK and Australia) are subject to this jurisdiction for crimes against humanity such as passive genocide of civilians in contravention of the Geneva Conventions and massive complicity in 0.4 million post-9/11 global opioid-related drug deaths.

Osama is Gone: Dead!

Senator Reid Wants BushCo Apology
The poll also found that only 28 percent of respondents said the country was headed in...

Incumbency Evil Needs a Shallow Grave

US Public Fed Up with DEMS, GOP

Mexico Opposes BushCo
Ratifies War Criminal Tribunal …In addition, Mexico had already made it clear earlier this year that it would not sign a pact to grant U.S. military personnel immunity from the court.

The Hard Truth on Illegal Immigration from AZ Representative Pearce

AZ: Sheriff Joe Something…a traitor
I was just reading an article about a sheriff in Arizona that is nothing but a Gestapo like tyrant, making law, and applying terrorism and treasonous acts that would get an ordinary person hung. His name is Joe something or another, in the county Phoenix is in.... God, what a traitor to America this guy is.

AZ Sheriff’s Deputy: Swindles $78 million
A job description says Driving Hawk was "hand-selected by the sheriff and/or the chief deputy" to serve in the Internal Affairs Division and communicated with the sheriff regularly "on sensitive investigations and other matters, including security issues."

Saddam’s Lawyer has NO access to Saddam
What is really ridiculous is that the news publications covering this story always start out by saying numerous lawyers are representing him, but this is totally wrong Totally wrong!”

Email from the Mailbox...A Boston Attorney seeking Justice writes:

Tel: 617-451-1884
October 28, 2005

Mr. Arthur ChaskalsonCenter For the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
International Jurists Association
Po Box 21681
A Avenue de Chatelaine 1219
Geneva Switzerland

Dear Mr. Chaskalson:
I am writing to ask the International Jurists Association to conduct an investigation of widespread human rights abuses perpetrated by a significant segment of the United States legal system, resulting in the intimidation and harassment of lawyers, in the destruction of family units, in arbitrary and capricious despoliation of individual property rights, in the excessive sentences and poor treatment administered to at least hundreds of thousands Americans , most of whom cannot afford counsel, especially those of African and Hispanic descent, but also large numbers of whites and whose own government refuses to meet with them to discuss these grievances.

My own situation may be illustrative.

I am a general practitioner in the Greater Boston area. My practice has been and continues to be diverse, ranging from business litigation to domestic relations.

Throughout may career it has been obvious to me that males havebeen the victim of gender bias in divorce matters. First, in 1993 I removed a case to federal court from the state divorce court, alleging men were being discriminated against in proceedings, being deprived of equal protection of the law. The case settled after this event.

For this, the Presiding Justice of the Norfolk Probate and FamilyCourt , Christina Harms, reported me to the Massachusetts Board ofOverseers. Fortunately, the Bar took no disciplinary action. I confronted Judge Harms later, and her statement to me was that I had no right to criticize her in my pleadings.

Undeterred, in 1999 I brought a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Justices of the Massachusetts Trial Court alleging widespread gender bias and misuses of domestic abuse prevention orders.

The court alleged that the testimony of males was summarily ignored in divorce hearings, that fathers were discriminated against in custody decisions and that men were routinely victimized in property division,alimony and child support.

The lawsuit received regional, national and international attention for several weeks. I received awards and recognition the entire year. A major Boston newspaper listed me as one of the ten best lawyers in the state. The suit papers criticized Judge Harms and other divorce judgesin Norfolk County.

I received congratulations from all over the world, as far away as NewZealand. Television in China and Brazil covered the lawsuit as did theBBC in London. Although the federal court ultimately dismissed the lawsuit, the case made legal history, embarrassed wrongdoers in the judiciary and brought issues to public debate which had been previously ignored.

Dozens of lawyers told me that they shared my view but were reluctant
to speak out because of fear of reprisals. Indeed, a reprisal came in 2003. My girlfriend's brother is sufferingfrom lifelong emotional difficulties and became a ward of Judge Harms'court. False accusations soon emanated that my girlfriend and I were embezzling from her brother. My girlfriend was so upset she suffered a stroke and was hospitalized for a week. She was soon cleared, after we spent $7,000 in legal fees. In no mistaken terms it became clear that there was a connection between the case against my girlfriend and my activism.

My situation is far from isolated. Less fortunate lawyers have been suspended for criticizing the judiciary and the Bar. Attorneys who challenge the Internal Revenue Service have often found themselves audited or accused of tax offenses.

The public experience with the legal profession is reflected in a 1999 national survey by the Public Opinion Laboratory of Indiana University undertaken by the National Center For State Courts, where it was learned that 81% of respondents agreed with the statement that"Judges' decisions are influenced by political considerations."

In Indiana, the Indianapolis Bar Association in 2001 felt it necessary to form a "Task Force on Image Enhancement" to study and address potential challenges caused by "negative public opinion" or "of a lack of confidence in the legal profession".

( in the Roger Williams University Law Review (Volume 9 No. 2pp 351-97), Attorney Carl T. Bogus describes "a culture of quiescence" in which the lawyers of Rhode Island "live in a culture in which criticism is considered professional treason and punished by both courts and colleagues."

Bogus says further that the "culture cannot be changed without lawyers themselves stepping forward. Lawyers must become critics...thoughtful respectful critics to be sure, but critics nonetheless."

Bogus concludes:Lawyers are not merely legal technicians. They are leaders. Half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were lawyers.

At this writing, half of all the nation's governors and United States Senators are lawyers. Throughout the nation's history, more than two thirds of all presidents, vice presidents, and members of the cabinet have been lawyers. Lawyers-including Mahatma Gandhi and Shirin Ebadi, the Iranian woman who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 have been courageous leaders around the world.

Rhode Island needs its leaders to provide leadership in the law and beyond. But leadership will never adequately emerge out of a culture of quiescence."

Fear has governed the legal community, and the public is paying theprice. Judges are immune from lawsuits, as are court clerks, probation offiicers, and most other court personnel.

I have been made aware of disappearing files, altered tape recordings, writs that are never issued and decisions that defy all logic.
In Brooklyn, New York, judges have been arrested for rigging the outcome of divorce cases for a fee.

It is impossible to believe that this is an isolated circumstance. Change without outside intervention is not likely. Our Institute has sought to interest the United States Congress in holding hearings on the topics of "Legal abuse and public dissatisfaction with the justicesystem" here.

My phone calls to the House Judiciary Committee have yet to be
returned nor is my correspondence yet answered. Thus a basic precept of America's unique raison d'etre, the unfettered right to redress of grievances appears broken. May we count on your assistance ?

David Grossack Founder,
CitizensJustice Institute

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Connecticut Fight at State House

See video in above link where top dogs in CT fight over Constitutional guarantee, rights to property, whatta scam!


Abu AL Gonzales for the next Supreme Court nomination....
The Ulitmate Reader for AZ's Sheriff LO JOE
If you like Westerns...don't miss this tell-all reader on this Sheriff who got 'em buffaloed, on his baloney!

When a School District Ignores Black Mold
I've learned from all of this that my husband and I are certainly not alone in this fight; people all over the country are dealing with health issues because of mold.

Public Official Predator for the Week Oct.23-29, 2005
The public official who could NOT stop lying....

The DC Cesspool & the Real Scandal
The real scandal and the real danger when one party controls the three branches of government, plus the mainstream media.... Congressional oversight is effectively abandoned, and the timid Democrats, seemingly unfamiliar with the concept of "opposition party," barely make any significant noise.

Hire Illegals Alert: at a Hospital
Would you allow a member of your family be exposed to this enviroment?

Commie Pressure Groups Hound CA Govinator
While the Minutemen have remained peaceful, they have been the target of violent protests by anarchists and others who advocate returning much of the southwest United States to Mexico.

Cheats on Taxes

Almost 3,000 IRS employees not paying their own taxes is scandalous. ... These 3,000 IRS employees who have not paid their taxes should be ordered to pay immediately, or they should be fired.

From the E-mail Box...
a thoughtful letter captures the American Spirit on setting a politician straight on priorities... October 28, 2005

Senator Lindsey Graham,

Listening to your utterances on the O’Reilly show this evening speaking about the deficiencies, i.e. criminal enterprises of the Republic Party, you state that gasoline prices and the war in Iraq will define the Republican Party.

What defines the Republican Party are the criminal activities of George Bush, his neo-conservatives handlers and the gutless U.S. Senate and Congress.

Lindsey my boy, the illegal Mexican and O.T.M. invasion is the main concern of the American electorate, along with your criminal destruction of the cradle of civilization, which was no threat to the U.S.

We are not taking this bullshit any longer and the time is near when Americans are going to crack your spineless jaws with a knuckle sandwich.

Either secure our borders now and deport the 20-30 million illegals or pay the consequences. It is way past time for the American middleclass to demand and expect legitimacy in government.

Bring the troops home from around the world, dispense with the foreign aid largesse (which incidentally, we do not have…an $8 trillion debt).

It is the Republic, Stupid!

Kindest regards,

Joe McCutchen
Fort Smith, Arkansas

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

High NOON Watch....

It's a disaster. Given the choice, I'd choose a frustrating bureaucracy over an efficient cabal every time. ~Lawrence B. Wilkerson

The Iraqi POLL It shows 45 per cent of Iraqis think attacks on occupying troops are justified.

Feds Want more Death In one example cited by Human Rights Watch, "an individual could be sentenced to death for providing financial support to an organization whose members caused the death of another, even if this individual did not know or in any way intend that the members engage in acts of violence."

H-1B is a Swindle

Enforcement is a Priority A significant part of the Republican Party, if not the White House, seems to have grasped an essential truth: Law without enforcement is a sham, and that's exactly what immigration law has been — and what it will continue to be, if the enforcement problem is not solved.

CA: Criminal Immune from Jail In a drastic new policy that will return hundreds more thieves, drug dealers and burglars to the streets, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department has stopped booking even more nonviolent criminals into county jails.

NJ: Hepatitis A Outbreak According to our sources, in Mexico, it is common belief, shared among prisoners that it’s OK, to consume human excrement for healing, therapeutic remedy.

AZ: Media Swine Alert: Flu Death A (90+) yr-old woman... not identified by age or city, but health officials said she lived in a nursing home. She had not received a flu or pneumonia shot this season and had been hospitalized Oct. 13 after becoming ill.

CT: Ex-Gov. Cronies Plead Guilty Prosecutors said the men ran a criminal enterprise out of the governor's office, with Ellef steering multimillion dollar contracts to Tomasso in exchange for gold, cash, travel and gifts.

CA: Unfair Tax Collecting Every Californian should be disappointed with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's veto of bills that would have made tax cheats pay their fair share...more of the $6.5 billion of taxes we are not collecting today.

Obey the Law Our current leaders have failed to act and uphold the United States constitution and are criminals of the worst degree…..Instead of merely enforcing the laws already on the books, they play a charade of creating this new and exciting legislation.

The Mother of All Fraud If you’re in federal prison on a drug charge, or know someone who is, take a peek at Graham v. Holder; especially noteworthy is the rebuttal to the government’s "answer" of June 20, 2005.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"The case that I saw for four-plus years was a case I have never seen in my studies of aberrations, bastardizations, perturbations, the changes to the national security decision-making process"
~Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson,

Illegal Imigration & 9/11 Linked!

See video in above link for the enemy within...

Patrick Fitzgerald Goes NET

Boots on the Ground for JUSTICE!

From Blogsphere…

But when a top former Bush administration official comes out and says the White House has been taken over by a cabal and that George Bush is overmatched for his position, I would say that qualifies as headline news.

The Cover-Up of Able Danger

The Ultimate archive for texts and video....experience the evidence!

Israel The Dagger in BushCo Cloak

Israeli interests call for regieme change To Syria, more US troops for cannnon fodder, and Global chaos…

Military Bonus Cancelled

The Pentagon has reneged on its offer to pay a $15,000 bonus to members of the National Guard and Army Reserve who agree to extend their enlistments by six years, according to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Seattle).

Global Economy Shafts US Labor

But what happens when the ladder to the middle class is broken? When the jobs that used to provide the way up are gone? What happens to the dream, to America?

GOP Going for DUMB

There are more people in India with bachelors degrees that speak English then there are people in the U.S. and….. Republicans show no real desire to support public education because at any level you can import labor already educated and trained for a cheaper cost.

Media Swine Induce FEAR

Media and government induced scare tactics are designed to pick your pockets and your freedoms, with your consent of course.

Extortion By Lawsuit

Like mafia thugs extorting money from a shopkeeper, the Justice Department cannot follow through on its threat without breaking the law. In a decision the Supreme Court recently declined to review, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said there was

Hells Angels Fight in AZ Fed

Attorney Joseph Abodeely said the government accused his client of beating a man, then withheld interview records for two years showing that another man confessed to the crime before federal agents.

AZ Sheriff Pushes POLICE STATE

"We can arrest everybody if we want to."

Bishop’s Probation DENIED

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge on Friday turned down a request by Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien, former head of the Phoenix Diocese, to modify the terms of his probation.

God's Will turns... to Propaganda

"Vigilantism is beyond the pale. It is like executing the mentally ill and children, it is like torture, it is unthinkable"

Closer to the Android Society

Android Robots, the next insurgency?

Protecting Planet’s Sanctity-

Armchair, sign and keep it moving!

On the Road to ECOCIDE

Who killed the mighty Amazon River?

US Nihilism and Narcissism

"the West must not make herself a curse to the world by using her power for her own selfish needs."

Friday, October 21, 2005

Enduring Abuse by Troops

Violations by U.S. Forces

Privatizing Torture

This system, known to insiders as "R2I," short for resistance to interrogation, also includes such methods as "hooding, sleep deprivation, time disorientation and depriving prisoners not only of dignity, but of fundamental human needs, such as warmth, water and food."

Pondering Torture...

Can the use of Torture, STOP Terrorism, and promote a terror-free democracy?

Promoting AIDS?

Given in the name of HIV and AIDS awareness

AZ Senator Kyle Promotes Injustice

"STREAMLINED PROCEDURES ACT" Increases Threat of Wrongful Convictions

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I picked Harriet for a lot of reasons. One reason is she's never been a judge. ~George Bush

The Weather Profits Heist

See above link on investigative video.

Ali Bubba & the Coalition Thieves

When the final page is written on America’s catastrophic imperial venture, one word will dominate the explanation of U.S. failure—corruption.

BushCo Knew What's Goin' Down!

A Case Beyond TERROR....

Only shock and horror linger in this case of Terror

Connecticut: A Nice Place to BE!

Connecticut Court Goes Lite on MOB

AZ Sheriff is Tough on Crime!

Going for pre-emptive finger-prints..Sheriff Arpaio: "We can arrest everybody if we want to."

AZ Spins for Illegal Immigration

..."maybe the image that surfaces is one of hard-working folks who deserve to be citizens like other waves of immigrants. Or newcomers with a family-focused culture based on "traditional American values."


Immigration agents Wednesday rounded up 50 foreign-born New Yorkers who had been convicted of sex offenses, including child molestation and rape, but remained free after receiving relatively light punishments.

Disabled & Dis-Possessed

Got Privlege?

"All drug-policy reform begins with one question: Are people ever going to stop using these illegal drugs?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I look forward to the day, in front of God and the American people, when these traitors will be brought to justice, when the republic based upon constitutional rule of law is restored here, the....POLICE STATE OF AMERICA.
~Rick Stanley

BushCo Got the BUZZ

"We got people sneaking into our country to work. They want to provide for their families. But because there is no legal way for them to do so, through a temporary-worker program, they're putting pressure on our border," Bush said.

Dean for Dems Messsage

The Democratic Party believes "a strong Mexico and a strong Mexican economy fixes a lot of the problems between the two countries -- particularly immigration and narcotics."

Just a Potential Threat

The FBI and the federal Department of Homeland Security issued a joint statement that a potential threat of "undetermined credibility" was made about an unspecified tunnel in the area. No evidence has been found to corroborate the information.

What's different with this picture?

Do you think the US Constitution is intact, and is this the same country as it was fifty years ago? If not, why not? And what and who caused the change?

Friends in Government

Who says donating $319,250 to the GOP is a thankless task?!"

Dereliction of Duty

The same Republican zealots who demand fiscal responsibility by cutting $50 billion for the indigent sick are now also demanding a new $70 billion in tax cuts, including the permanent repeal of the estate tax, that would chiefly benefit the rich.

The Trek for Tolerance

Starts with much confusion as homosexuals, KKK, caucasians, and Columbine are lumped together symbolizing hate.

Felons and the Right to Vote

It's important, if we're going to call ourselves a democracy, that everybody more or less have the right to vote," Nadler said.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
~ President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Letter from the Troops

We as a nation must face the monster we have created in Iraq, sooner rather than later. We must find a way out of the mess in Iraq with minimal loss of American and Iraqi life. We owe it to the soldiers on the ground and the embattled Iraqi people.

The Impeachment Poll

Responses varied by political party affiliation: 72% of Democrats favored impeachment, compared to 56% of Independents and 20% of Republicans.

Bush Fights for Condemned Killers

Two nurses and the doctor initially confessed to the charges but later claimed police extracted their confessions with torture including beatings and electric shocks.

Ohio Insurgency

Major Paul Hackett came home from Iraq to launch an assault on a GOP stronghold.

AZ Fed Snitches make Fed Case

Hell's Angels fight for Justice...
"Statements made to the court by counsel for the government have been inaccurate, inconsistent and sometimes legally incorrect," the judge wrote.

OK City Bombing NOT OK...


MM in TX: Taking the job, Bush won't do!

Texas Minutemen on Air Patrol Aid in Capture of Group of 60

CT Media Demoralizes Protesting

"You made a gag of the event by showing a man with a peace sign shaved on his chest".

Another Satanic Outing

The leaders of Zimbabwe and Venezuela on Monday denounced President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair as "unholy men," and blamed the United States and other developed countries for world hunger, pollution and war.

The Clinton Paper Trail

We urge you to act decisively. If you act now to end the threat of weapons of mass destruction against the U.S. or its allies, you will be acting in the most fundamental national security interests of the country.

A State of Immoral Politics

In addition to being morally reprehensible, the conservative tax/program cut plan doesn’t reflect American values.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The four pillars of knowledge that help journalism are: lies, blunders, money-making and moral irresponsibility
~Marlon Brando

The STINK about Judith....

In effect, during the propaganda buildup for the invasion of Iraq, while Miller was the paper’s lead reporter on weapons of mass destruction, The New York Times news department served as a key asset of the warfare state.

The MOB Mentality

You see, in America, there is a rule of thumb concerning the working world which basically says that those who do what they are told to do are likely to keep their jobs, whereas those who tend to think for themselves, tend to buck the system, (tend not to do what they have been told to do) end up jobless, powerless, and left to fend for themselves on the mean streets of society.

Save the World From LIBERALISM

This fairy-land view of the world is promoted by the self-centered, sensual preoccupation of media reporters like New York Times’s ...

Clinton Troll's for Campaign LOOT

Current Clinton donors also include actress Jane Fonda and actor Robert DeNiro ($8,400), as well as Barbra Streisand, Chevy Chase, Don Henley, Norman Lear and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Diplomat Donors Haven't a Clue

Bush's appointees are heavily weighted to money and cronies, such as roller-bearing king William "Timmy" Timken Jr., investment guru Ronald P. Spogli and auto magnate Robert Holmes Tuttle. Texas Rangers buddy J. Thomas Schieffer is in Tokyo after a stint in Australia, Craig R. Stapleton picked up the usually pricey slot in France for a mere $116,000 -- but he's related by marriage to Bush.

Re-Thinking Humanitarian Relief

The United States-backed coalition consistently sought to use humanitarian aid to build support for its military and political ambitions."

When Vampires Run the BloodBank

Clean the communists, fascists, socialists (liberals) and phony conservatives out of public office at every level....

The GHOST of KELO visits Phoenix

Is this a case of political, personal conflict...
Mayor Phil Gordon continues to pull out the stops to bring Google Inc.'s engineering facility to downtown Phoenix.

Connecticut? Don't call cops....

Go straight to the FBI...


Lets add this for a holistic approach to the current politriks...
The British Guardian newspaper was curious whether there was any truth to the wild, gossipy and hysterical reports of murder, rape, incest, and stacked corpses at the New Orleans Superdome.

Media & Judge Twists LAW in Case

Federal government banned Irwin Schiff's most recent book, The Federal Mafia: How the Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes, but Judge Dawson has sentenced Irwin Schiff to one to three years in jail just for mentioning the law during his trial.

Ohio: A Bad Place for TAXES

Woman With $1.16 Tax Bill Faces Jail Time
"This is a flagrant offender," said City Manager Frederick Enderle.

Slaves Say It: 'n Camptown New Orleans

Perhaps most alarming to Davis at the time was that on the line for the arresting officer’s name – probably one of the men who had beaten him – there was only an "X."

Controlling Local Freaks on GUNZ

Alaska gets it Right...
What the NRA wants to do is prevent cities from passing more restrictive laws in the future. It calls it state pre-emption.

Social Werkers Cop Bad 'Tude

As attitudes change, it is hoped departments of social services in all 50 states will be able to efficiently direct their limited resources on targeting abusive parents rather than chasing down anonymous tips involving home-schooling families, which almost always results in a finding that the report is false.

American Family to Spade: ACLU

Big Bill O'Reilly is just the guy, and media weapon to bury the ACLU!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know.


Talk RADIO...BushCo Exposed:
MUST HEAR! From the Charles Goyette Show Archives! MP3 Audio, Segment 3 CLICK HERE!

The Reign of TERROR is History

Instead of Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood... the world’s first example of Terrorism as official state policy to control public opinion and to quell all opposition to the centralized government.... more than 70,000 French citizens were slaughtered as enemies.

IRAQ Democracy is WAR

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others among the clique responsible for the illegal 2003 invasion will use today’s vote to justify their crimes with the claim that “democracy” is being realised in Iraq.

Inside US Torture Flights

George Bush says renditions are entirely legal and that rendered suspects are not tortured

Bush Leads "Murderous Maniacs"

'The Murderous Maniacs' because of how they treated Iraqis in detention....they were soldiers of the U.S. Army's 82 nd Airborne Division . . .

Black Water in New Orleans

"These private security forces have behaved brutally, with impunity, in Iraq. To have them now on the streets of New Orleans is frightening and possibly illegal."


From: Abernethy, Virginia Deane
[ mail to:virginia.abernethy@Vanderbilt.Edu]
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 9:51 AM
To: Abernethy, Virginia Deane
Subject: FEMA: Piggy Bank to the Elite/ Chertoff's wife Meryl worked for FEMA's Legislative Liaison Office

Hi, all DHS Director Michael Chertoff is allocating FEMA funds as though they were in his private piggy bank. Which is worse ------ directing contracts to a foreign country [Israel] or having his wife in such a key political position?

No wonder the N.O. relief effort was a disaster. And in case of national emergency, these are the people who will command domestic use of military forces, in violation of posse comitatus?

Chertoff DHS Flunks Survey

Only 3 percent said they were confident that in their department, personnel decisions were "based on merit."

Defense Contractor & Bribes

The Special Operations Command is investigating whether soldiers received inferior equipment because of a contractor who took bribes from defense companies.

Taser to Class Action

If the case is classified as a class-action lawsuit, police departments that have purchased tasers would all be included unless they decided to opt out.

Cops Work Hard in Seattle Vice

SPD, Seattle Police Department has spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on lap dances and club entrance fees but have little to show in the way of convictions, despite claims in the documents that detectives witnessed hundreds of violations and also acts of prostitution at the city's four strip clubs.

Nicaragua Victim of US Power

As the U.S. steps up its verbal attacks on Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who provides Cuba its oil at the same low price he offers it to other Caribbean and Central American nations and even the poor of the United States...

Guatemala Refuses Government Aid

After flooding, mudslides Guatemalan Indian community, haunted by a government-sponsored massacre during the country's brutal civil war, refused soldiers' help

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.
~George Bernard Shaw

Iraq Psycho Babble

The White House has a mantra that cannot be denied. See above video link.

Propaganda War from Oval Office

"And because America stood firm in this important fight, our children and grandchildren will be safer and more secure. Thank you for listening."

Open Borders is Open Season for TERROR

"It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country."

TERROR Alerts: It's All About Timing...

The nexus of politriks, it's a count-down

Protecting the World from Terrorism: AOL

Washington- The American-based internet giant, AOL, wholly-owned by Time-Warner, has formed a working partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to permit unlimited surveillance of the millions of AOL online members, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Only 92% Go to HELL!

"Drug offenders, many of whom have committed no prior mortal sin, rack up infinite consecutive life sentences," Horowitz said. "Meanwhile, rapists say they're sorry, recite a few Hail Marys, and wind up basking in God's divine radiance within 10 years."

TX Gov HOT on Border Violence

Perry: 'Not going to stand by and allow citizens to be placed in danger' by illegal aliens, violence

"No Conscience Clause" Gets VETO

Wisconsin's governor vetoed a bill Friday that would have allowed health care workers to opt out of a half-dozen procedures, including withdrawing a person's feeding tube and using embryonic stem cells, on religious or moral grounds.

Saudi Prince Tells All: Clinton

Abdullah was stunned that Clinton had demonstrated so little interest about a bombing that had killed 19 U.S. airmen.

Activist Project of the Month

Do it like the Pros, send them your message supporting a special cause for OUR Country ...just Do It!

Mother Nature Out of LOOP

Utah has water resources..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"I don't care what the international lawyers say, we are going to kick some ass."
~Richard Clark, on Bush Torture comment

DEMS Fight Bullies in DC

View incredible video Pelosi leads brawl on Hill to fight-back for Americans at above link...

A 1ST Presidential VETO

The next step is for the Senate to press the administration to appoint a special prosecutor to conduct a larger investigation of abuses abroad and the failures of military and civilian leadership.... and the Department of Justice can’t do the job since the attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, may be implicated.

Prison Guards Enjoy Torture at GITMO

"They used to grab me by the arms and hurl me on the floor, on my back. They took pleasure in torturing us."

Working Hard for FEAR

I am constantly amazed by the amount of time, energy and money the Bush administration spends on reinforcing the fear of terrorism on the American people.

Bolton Blocks Bloody Disclosure at UN

U.S. Ambassador John Bolton blocked a U.N. envoy on Monday from briefing the Security Council on grave human rights violations in Sudan's Darfur region...

UN Doctrine Justify Invasion…

It gives the U.N. Security Council the power to intervene in the internal affairs of member states when national governments fail to stop human rights violations. This is called the “responsibility to protect.”

Nobel Prize with Prisoners Model

The difference is illustrated in the so-called "prisoner's dilemma," one of game theory's best-known situations in which two partners in crime are put in separate cells and given an ultimatum: If one implicates the other, he may go free while his partner faces a firing squad

The War on Drugs is Getting OLD

Who is loosing the battles, and who is wining the War?

Races: See and Think Differently

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that whereas North Americans tend to be more analytic when evaluating a scenario, fixating on the focal object, East Asians are generally more holistic, giving more consideration to the context.

Nightmare of the Oceans

Overkill is slaughter on high seas.

CT and the Nile Virus Scare

An elderly man from New Britain has died after being infected with the West Nile virus, the second human death from the virus in Connecticut since it first appeared in the state in 1999, state officials announced Thursday.

Teri's Experts on the Experts

Yield(s) insights into the sorry intellectual, moral and politicized state of the liberal media as well as the armies of medical and legal experts who prostitute themselves by shamelessly dispensing legally unsound and medically unsupported misinformation and disinformation without adequately informing themselves on the facts of the case.

Friday, October 07, 2005

"We will never back down, never give in, and never accept anything less than complete victory." ~George W. Bush 10.06.05

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The G.O.P.S.

View cronies and villains in above video link

Bush and America's Secret Police

Bush issued an executive order that created the National Security Service (NSS); a branch of the FBI that now works entirely under his authority. It is America's first secret police; no different than the East German Stasi or the Soviet Union's KGB. It operates completely beyond congressional oversight and is answerable to the president alone. It is Bush's personal Gestapo.

A Special Message for the President

From our Troops...

Baghdad Burnin'

National Guard raided homes as an act of revenge because prior to the raid, they were attacked in A’adhamiya. People from the area complain that every home they raided, windows were broken, doors kicked in, tables overturned, people abused and money and valuables looted.

Israel Dangles Carrot for BushCo

How can Bush, his National Security Council, and Israel be so blind to the consequences of destabilizing Syria?

Third Party Candidate Shows Stuff

Gilchrist, whose group was once slammed as "vigilantes" by President George W. Bush, likely cost conservative Campbell an uncontested victory by splitting the conservative vote.

Minutemen Face Dangerous Illegals

"These people have the latest in night vision. The best communication. . . . They have AK-47s. My 9 mm ain't going to do a dime's worth against an AK-47."

Exporting Colorado Capital

The legislators also cited a survey by Bendixen & Associates that said $544 million per year is sent to Latin American countries from Colorado alone.

China Profits on Beauty Trade Secrets

Chinese are making skin cream out of dead babies and prisoners, then exporting those polluted products to unsuspecting consumers in the United States and Europe. Now I ask you: Is that sick and disgusting, or what?

Caring for Dogs is Nirvana

The dogs arrived after Texas oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens decided to get involved. He leased three 737 airplanes and filled them with dogs. Other people in his tax bracket followed suit, and last week, one of those planes arrived at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport carrying more than 100 animals, nearly all dogs.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"A government, at bottom, is nothing more than a gang of men, and as a practical matter most of them are inferior men. Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent. Indeed, it would not be far wrong to describe the best as the common enemy of all decent citizens." ~ H.L. Mencken

Mexico Threatens American Patriots

Mexican Consulate sends message to Minutemen in above video

Bush Abandons America

He's leaving ..on a Jet Plane....

CT Mayor Legitimizes Illegal Aliens

"The federal government didn't do its job, we're now overwhelmed. We have to do something about it, because we're getting no help from the federal government."

Tennesse Tells DC Like it is...

Get invloved let them know you're disgusted over spinless actions...

Colorado Town Stops Illegals

October 4, 2005, the city of Fort Collins, Colorado, voted down a proposed ordinance that effectively would have made the city a sanctuary for illegal aliens. The resolution, two years in the making and written under the guise of protecting "immigrant rights", was in effect a sanctuary city policy

Skid Row is LA

Skid row has the county's largest concentration of services for homeless people and those with drug and alcohol addictions.

Easing Labor Law

Department of Homeland Security has temporarily suspended sanctioning employers who hire workers unable to prove their citizenship, essentially allowing contractors to hire undocumented workers.

A Passport for Terror

A United States passport in the hands of a criminal or terrorist represents a threat to our nation's security and the security of other nations who honor that passport when it is issued to a terrorist who never should have been granted United States citizenship and consequently, that highly valued United States passport.

The Road to Democracy

Pundits and politicians tell us that a civil war will erupt if the U.S. military departs. Yet our insistence that Iraq remain one indivisible nation actually creates the conditions for civil war.

Governors Oppose Bush Ide-AH

"Having already wrecked a legendary American city, Hurricane Katrina may now be invoked to undermine a fundamental principle of American law; that principle, enshrined in the Posse Comitatus Act, is that when it comes to domestic policing, the military should be a last resort, not a first responder," he said.

Human Misery by Government Design

Bush can't avoid helping Katrina's victims, but he doesn't want to legitimize institutions that help the needy, like the housing voucher program. As a result, his administration refuses to use those institutions, even when they are the best way to provide victims with aid. More generally, the administration is trying to treat Katrina's victims as harshly as the political realities allow, so as not to create a precedent for other aid efforts.

Israeli Pilots Terrorize Civilians

Israeli pilots carried out a series of air strikes accompanied by artillery barrages throughout the Gaza Strip, targeting civilian infrastructure, assassinating militants and striking fear into the population with deafening noise as low-flying F-16 fighter jets shatter the sound barrier overhead day and night.

Harri-ette Just One of the Boys

Where closeness breeds character, not cronism.

Exposing the Corrupt Judiciary

Rotten Judges are Just a click .....away

GOT Fence?

Most people don’t realize that, each year, over 100,000 people who enter from Mexico are not Mexicans! They are from many other countries, including those involved in terrorist activities.

An American Hero

One of the few true American heroes on Congress, Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), is determined to continue to fight off this new assault on our sovereignty by the corporate and political elite. For his efforts to defend Americans, he is under constant attack by GOP elitists.

Judge Roy Moore for Governor

We Need More of MOORE!

Deadly Air Pollution

The results of this in-depth analysis show that the risk of death from any cause rose by 11 percent to 17 percent for each increase in the level of fine particles found in vehicle exhaust, smoke, and industrial emissions in the neighborhood’s air.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Our 'neoconservatives' are neither new nor conservative, but old as Bablyon and evil as Hell.
~ Edward Abbey

BushCo Obstructs Torture Probe

The White House on Friday ...also warned lawmakers NOT to add any amendments to regulate the treatment of detainees or set up a commission to probe abuse.

Israel Speaks, BushCo Listens!

Israel is the only country that continues to propagate the view that Iran's nuclear bomb is months away...

BushCo & Criminal Collusion

The Bush administration is zealously opposed to the International Criminal Court and has even gone so far as to withhold aid from nations who refuse to sign agreements immunizing suspected U.S. war criminals from ICC prosecution. In some cases, the immunity agreements are reciprocal and the U.S. has agreed not to turn over to the ICC accused war criminals ....

From Yellow Non-Compliance

Conde and the Neo-crazies know about the Iran!

Bush Abandoned OUR Troops

Between tax cuts for the rich, war profits for Halliburton, or support for our troops - which does the Bush Administration choose, time and time again?

Support the Million Phone -Call "Calling"

We need to build on the momentum of the the recent demonstrations by having each member of Congress hear personally from you, their direct constituents, to demand that Congress pass legislation to end the war now, refuse any additional funding for the war, prohibit the establishment of permanent military bases in Iraq, and investigate the claims of the Bush administration that were used to justify the war.

Quarter Troops in Congressmen's Homes

The habit of declaring "war" on such long-term and perhaps insoluble problems as poverty and government-disapproved drug use has not only compounded the trend, it has contributed to an ongoing militarization of society.

Selling Federal Land

Selling 15% of Low-Use Land Would Generate $148 Billion for Katrina Relief, Rebuilding

US Poverty: Where did they come from?

“There are more poor people in America than Mexico.”

America the Beautiful: Raped by the Many

Globalization is being driven by large American multinational corporations that American workers helped build. U.S. policymakers have also abandoned American workers by promoting free trade agreements that have de facto created a global labor market that threatens workers’ livelihoods and economic security.

Going Broke is NO Option

for Hospitals and Big Daddy McCain...
Senator McCain, instead of doing his job, slipped a $1.4 billion rider onto the Federal Medicaid Bill to keep those hospitals afloat. Why were they bankrupting? They served millions of non-paying illegal aliens. That money wasn’t enough.

The Hillary POLL

The number of you regarding Clinton as “compassionate,” a “good leader” and “honest” drops considerably if we ask Republicans or Independents.

Politicians Play Weather CARD

The People Behind GLOBAL Warning are also for WAR
Mr McCain - with Senator Joe Lieberman - is behind proposed legislation that would require power-generating companies to reduce carbon emissions to their 2000 levels. Mr Graham, a Republican, said he had been moved by what he had seen. "Climate change is different when you come here, because you see the faces of people experiencing it.

Government Controlled Weather

In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.