Sunday, October 30, 2005

Indict Bush & Rumsfeld: War Crimes Act of 1996
The Abu Ghraib general's recent statements about torture coming from the top is an important piece of evidence for convicting Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, and a host of other top administration officials for violation of the War Crimes Act of 1996.

The World Can’t Sustain BushCo
Drive Out the Bush Regime

ACLU: Detainees Died by Torture
The documents also show that detainees died during or after interrogation by Navy Seals, Military Intelligence and ‘OGA (Other Governmental Agency) — a term, according to the ACLU, that is commonly used to refer to the CIA.

Libbey Needs Torture from ex-Boss to restore his memory block on Leak Cover-up

Anglo-American Propaganda, Violence
The US rejects the authority of the International Criminal Court over US citizens but other Coalition countries (notably the UK and Australia) are subject to this jurisdiction for crimes against humanity such as passive genocide of civilians in contravention of the Geneva Conventions and massive complicity in 0.4 million post-9/11 global opioid-related drug deaths.

Osama is Gone: Dead!

Senator Reid Wants BushCo Apology
The poll also found that only 28 percent of respondents said the country was headed in...

Incumbency Evil Needs a Shallow Grave

US Public Fed Up with DEMS, GOP

Mexico Opposes BushCo
Ratifies War Criminal Tribunal …In addition, Mexico had already made it clear earlier this year that it would not sign a pact to grant U.S. military personnel immunity from the court.

The Hard Truth on Illegal Immigration from AZ Representative Pearce

AZ: Sheriff Joe Something…a traitor
I was just reading an article about a sheriff in Arizona that is nothing but a Gestapo like tyrant, making law, and applying terrorism and treasonous acts that would get an ordinary person hung. His name is Joe something or another, in the county Phoenix is in.... God, what a traitor to America this guy is.

AZ Sheriff’s Deputy: Swindles $78 million
A job description says Driving Hawk was "hand-selected by the sheriff and/or the chief deputy" to serve in the Internal Affairs Division and communicated with the sheriff regularly "on sensitive investigations and other matters, including security issues."

Saddam’s Lawyer has NO access to Saddam
What is really ridiculous is that the news publications covering this story always start out by saying numerous lawyers are representing him, but this is totally wrong Totally wrong!”

Email from the Mailbox...A Boston Attorney seeking Justice writes:

Tel: 617-451-1884
October 28, 2005

Mr. Arthur ChaskalsonCenter For the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
International Jurists Association
Po Box 21681
A Avenue de Chatelaine 1219
Geneva Switzerland

Dear Mr. Chaskalson:
I am writing to ask the International Jurists Association to conduct an investigation of widespread human rights abuses perpetrated by a significant segment of the United States legal system, resulting in the intimidation and harassment of lawyers, in the destruction of family units, in arbitrary and capricious despoliation of individual property rights, in the excessive sentences and poor treatment administered to at least hundreds of thousands Americans , most of whom cannot afford counsel, especially those of African and Hispanic descent, but also large numbers of whites and whose own government refuses to meet with them to discuss these grievances.

My own situation may be illustrative.

I am a general practitioner in the Greater Boston area. My practice has been and continues to be diverse, ranging from business litigation to domestic relations.

Throughout may career it has been obvious to me that males havebeen the victim of gender bias in divorce matters. First, in 1993 I removed a case to federal court from the state divorce court, alleging men were being discriminated against in proceedings, being deprived of equal protection of the law. The case settled after this event.

For this, the Presiding Justice of the Norfolk Probate and FamilyCourt , Christina Harms, reported me to the Massachusetts Board ofOverseers. Fortunately, the Bar took no disciplinary action. I confronted Judge Harms later, and her statement to me was that I had no right to criticize her in my pleadings.

Undeterred, in 1999 I brought a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Justices of the Massachusetts Trial Court alleging widespread gender bias and misuses of domestic abuse prevention orders.

The court alleged that the testimony of males was summarily ignored in divorce hearings, that fathers were discriminated against in custody decisions and that men were routinely victimized in property division,alimony and child support.

The lawsuit received regional, national and international attention for several weeks. I received awards and recognition the entire year. A major Boston newspaper listed me as one of the ten best lawyers in the state. The suit papers criticized Judge Harms and other divorce judgesin Norfolk County.

I received congratulations from all over the world, as far away as NewZealand. Television in China and Brazil covered the lawsuit as did theBBC in London. Although the federal court ultimately dismissed the lawsuit, the case made legal history, embarrassed wrongdoers in the judiciary and brought issues to public debate which had been previously ignored.

Dozens of lawyers told me that they shared my view but were reluctant
to speak out because of fear of reprisals. Indeed, a reprisal came in 2003. My girlfriend's brother is sufferingfrom lifelong emotional difficulties and became a ward of Judge Harms'court. False accusations soon emanated that my girlfriend and I were embezzling from her brother. My girlfriend was so upset she suffered a stroke and was hospitalized for a week. She was soon cleared, after we spent $7,000 in legal fees. In no mistaken terms it became clear that there was a connection between the case against my girlfriend and my activism.

My situation is far from isolated. Less fortunate lawyers have been suspended for criticizing the judiciary and the Bar. Attorneys who challenge the Internal Revenue Service have often found themselves audited or accused of tax offenses.

The public experience with the legal profession is reflected in a 1999 national survey by the Public Opinion Laboratory of Indiana University undertaken by the National Center For State Courts, where it was learned that 81% of respondents agreed with the statement that"Judges' decisions are influenced by political considerations."

In Indiana, the Indianapolis Bar Association in 2001 felt it necessary to form a "Task Force on Image Enhancement" to study and address potential challenges caused by "negative public opinion" or "of a lack of confidence in the legal profession".

( in the Roger Williams University Law Review (Volume 9 No. 2pp 351-97), Attorney Carl T. Bogus describes "a culture of quiescence" in which the lawyers of Rhode Island "live in a culture in which criticism is considered professional treason and punished by both courts and colleagues."

Bogus says further that the "culture cannot be changed without lawyers themselves stepping forward. Lawyers must become critics...thoughtful respectful critics to be sure, but critics nonetheless."

Bogus concludes:Lawyers are not merely legal technicians. They are leaders. Half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were lawyers.

At this writing, half of all the nation's governors and United States Senators are lawyers. Throughout the nation's history, more than two thirds of all presidents, vice presidents, and members of the cabinet have been lawyers. Lawyers-including Mahatma Gandhi and Shirin Ebadi, the Iranian woman who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 have been courageous leaders around the world.

Rhode Island needs its leaders to provide leadership in the law and beyond. But leadership will never adequately emerge out of a culture of quiescence."

Fear has governed the legal community, and the public is paying theprice. Judges are immune from lawsuits, as are court clerks, probation offiicers, and most other court personnel.

I have been made aware of disappearing files, altered tape recordings, writs that are never issued and decisions that defy all logic.
In Brooklyn, New York, judges have been arrested for rigging the outcome of divorce cases for a fee.

It is impossible to believe that this is an isolated circumstance. Change without outside intervention is not likely. Our Institute has sought to interest the United States Congress in holding hearings on the topics of "Legal abuse and public dissatisfaction with the justicesystem" here.

My phone calls to the House Judiciary Committee have yet to be
returned nor is my correspondence yet answered. Thus a basic precept of America's unique raison d'etre, the unfettered right to redress of grievances appears broken. May we count on your assistance ?

David Grossack Founder,
CitizensJustice Institute

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave Grossack is a bold leader for Truth, follow Him!