Monday, April 24, 2006

Is this China-Iran-Gate?
What is being played down by U.S. officials who are seeking closer ties with China is the fact that China has been directly involved in Iran's nuclear and missile programs for more than a decade.

The True Iran: a Photo Esssay
These Pics don’t lie…

Council for National Interest
See bar chart on whether AIPAC should loose tax-exempt status

America's HOOD
Labeled the Brotherhood of Darkness

Iraq Occupation: The Real Cause of Bombing
Israel needs the smokescreen of suicide bombing in the same way that Bush needs terrorism.

Truth War Strikes 9-11 Opposition
How did the United States Secret Service Protective Detail…

Reform US Government: a Checklist
A thoughtful list for real change, not the band aide approach

American Boycott is Mexico's Terror

'Doctora' For El Salvador Prisoners'
Alamanni and her attorneys …embarrass the government by publicizing their findings.

Lay Dreams American Nightmare
Lay Dreams: the American Nightmare
Prosecutors allege Lay knew the company faced enormous problems with fraudulent accounting tricks, overvalued assets and flailing business ventures

Where Earmarks ‘R’ Born: US Senate
Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi, the Republican chairman of the Appropriations Committee, earmarked $700 million to divert a CSX rail line to the Mississippi Gulf Coast help in development of gambling casinos.

Welcome to Feminist Hell
Most "deadbeat dad" stories involve a man persecuted for more money than he makes.

CT: Tax Collector Puts Church on Block
A church building assessed at $1.5 million could go to auction to recoup less than $5,000 in taxes.

AZ: '3' Strike Law & Life in Prison
Mandatory sentencing is politically popular …ineffective and inflexible…. tying the hands of judges and saddling states with an increasing number of lifelong inmates.

Big Wyoming Sheriff Curbs FED
Sheriffs are … demanding federal agencies immediately cease the seizure of private property and the impoundment of private bank accounts without regard to due process in state courts.

Massachusettes has a Sick Plan
Yannone an AZ Libertarian candidate for US Congress launches logical attack on socialism evil.

The Head Game is Driven by Experts
Psychiatry is ignoring social, psychological and cultural factors in its pursuit of biological explanations and treatments.

Weed Gets High Support
Herbal marijuana is a safe and effective medication and that it should be made available to people who suffer from a number of ailments

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