Thursday, February 23, 2006

VP-Cheney Not for the Birds
See above video link for counter-perspective

Osama is NOT a Threat
"I am concerned that some of my Democrat colleagues used this unique public forum to make clear that they believe the gravest threat we face is not Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, but rather the president of the United States," Roberts said.

Senator Grassley's Letter to Treasurer
“As Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, with jurisdiction over international trade, I am determined to obtain full and complete information on this sale.”

CT Senator: Suspicious Port Deal
Dodd wrote to Bush Wednesday, expressing concerns about Treasury Secretary John Snow's involvement on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States' approval of the sale of the U.S. port operations to Dubai Ports World

What Top Guns Say on Ports
A few national-security experts….here's what they had to say.

Ex-Vatican Arch-Bishop Dead in AZ
Sources close to Vatican claim that Marcinkus taken to America to keep quiet since he was actually only an "innocent fall guy" for the real culprits pulling the strings behind the scandal.

AZ Reporter Gets Death Threats on Bonding
Death threats for exposing the truth about Phoenix bonds?

AZ Senator wants Quality of Life
Still stuck on poverty of values choice here…

The Next Big Scandal
Another DC Corruption scandal, this time on foreign aid!
a highly predictable scandal is developing that may embarrass leaders, including President Bush, British Prime Minister Blair, and other heads of government, severely damage the reputations, or worse, of many bureaucrats, and cost American and European taxpayers billions.

Foreign Debt Relief Hits for Americans?
We have a Congress that cannot say no to any demand for foreign aid in the name of the "world's poorest" and a U.S. government that cannot stand up to a moral shakedown.

Hitler was Created by Jewish Bankers
The bank even owned a stake in the construction company that built the crematorium at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

DU Scandal takes Twist
Former Veterans Affairs Secretary, Anthony Principi, recently resigned was because he has been involved in a massive scandal covering up the fact that Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the use of depleted uranium

Impeachment for Dummies Guide
Impeachment for Dummies Guide
Don’t go it alone, it’s a PAC

US Legal System violates Constitution
It is no secret to anyone who has had contact with them that the courts of this country and their officers are saturated with corruption.

Stun Gun Abuse in Canada
a number of Edmontonians who claim they have been abused by the overuse of the electronic stun guns.

Save the Raptors
This is not about birds. This is about “official misconduct” and “high-level corruption” – beginning with Arab royals in their desert palaces in Riyadh, Kuwait, and the U.A.E. – reaching clear across the Atlantic.

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