Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C. sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president's men. If convicted, they'll have plenty of time to mull over their sins."
~Martin van Creveld

Thank the Troops Promotional
See video with special messages from Country music celebs

The Price of the Foolish WAR
The question is no longer if American forces will be withdrawn, but how soon — and at what cost. In this respect, as in so many others, the obvious parallel to Iraq is Vietnam.

US Raids Iraqi Hospitals
Two hospitals in Ramadi, about 110 km west of capital Baghdad on the Euphrates river, are being raided regularly by the U.S. military, doctors say…
They (the U.S. soldiers) break every door which is closed, play with our records and sometimes even detain some of our staff. The Americans are not adhering to any laws."

Saddam's Successor: A Survivor
Ahmed Chalabi is the George Washington of Iraq, a brilliant leader who is more responsible than anyone for persuading President Bush to invade Iraq.

UN Denies Cold Weather Deaths
Hundreds of people, most of them children, have contracted pneumonia in Pakistan's earthquake-stricken zone as harsh winter weather sets in, health officials said on Tuesday.

Plutonium Missing from Los Alamos
Some 661 pounds of plutonium is unaccounted for and may be missing from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, an activist group says.

Judges to Lose Immunity Movement
Activists are trying to put a radical measure on next year's ballot that could make South Dakota the first state to let people who believe their rights have been violated by judges put those judges on trial. Citizens could seek damages or criminal charges.

Media Still Sleeping on Indictments
If the mainstream media wants to redeem itself, HERE are more rocks in DeLay's garden that require a thorough look-under.

Cunningham was Paid in Full
The congressman deposited one check, for $70,000, in his personal bank account in San Diego; he put the other, for $30,000, in his personal bank account at the Congressional Federal Credit Union in Washington.

Bi-Partisan Scandal a Sure Bet
There is little meaningful difference between Republicans in Congress and the Democrats they replaced a little over 10 years ago….unless they clean up their act fast, Republicans are going to suffer major losses in next year's congressional elections.

AZ Sniper Rifles Seized from Official
He bought the guns with county money last spring for the sheriff's volunteer posse. But the posse is not allowed to use such weapons.

Cop Killer Attorney Sings in Court
The lawyer ended by singing the first verse of the song "Amazing Grace."

Va Gov Grants Clemency: A First
If the convicted is cannot be condemned to death because of destruction of evidence…how can the convicted be sentenced to life without parole?

AZ Cites Cause of Child Death
Overall, the fatality review committee found that 309 child deaths last year, or 30 percent, were preventable.

Bad Wire Used in New Bridge Project
Steel used in the wire was manufactured in Japan, then sent to a factory in South Korea where it was made into wire.

Idaho Senator Cuts Science & Fish
The Fish Passage Center, with just 12 employees and a budget of $1.3 million, has been killed because it did not count fish in a way that suited Craig.

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