Monday, December 19, 2005

"Because it enables us to move faster and quicker. We've got to be fast on our feet. "It is legal to do so. I swore to uphold the laws. Legal authority is derived from the Constitution"
President Bush, on wiretapping Americans

Congressman Calls for Bush Impeachment
Rep. John Lewis, a Democratic senator from Georgia told WAOK-AM he would sign a bill of impeachment if one was drawn up and that the House of Representatives should consider such a move.

War Powers Legitimize BushCo Bugging
So when did Congress Declare War Al?

Legal Scholar: BushCo Wrong on Law!
Jonathan Turley, Professor of Law, George Washington University said:
Bush violated federal law big time….it doesn't matter if Bush consulted with Congress, at the end of the day he has violated federal law

Gulf Summit Cites Israel Nuclear Build-Up
In a final statement, the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) focussed on Israel's failure to join the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which Iran has signed.Israel has never admitted it has a nuclear weapons programme but is widely believed to have about 200 nuclear warheads

Texas Death Penalty Kills Innocent Man
"My name is Ruben M. Cantu and I am only 18 years old. I got to the 9th grade and I have been framed in a capital murder case"

Bias a Pathological Symptom
Political corruption pressures psychiatry for diagnosis.

Law is Outgunned at the Border
The sheriff and the local authorities are outgunned and overmatched," said Rep. John Culberson, a Texas Republican on the House floor…Culberson also has legislation pending that would allow the governor of any border state to create an armed citizens’ militia empowered to prevent illegal border crossings.

Mexico's Problems Now US
"This is not an action of a friendly neighbor," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo "What would the Mexican government say if we encouraged our citizens to violate Mexican law?"

War on Drugs Cuts Rehab Funds
Numerous studies show drug-dependent parents who don't successfully complete treatment cost the government much more over time, especially if they wind up in jail or their children are placed in foster care or adopted.

We Get E-mail: a Letter to AZ Congressman

Congressman J.D. Hayworth:
December 19, 2005
J.D. :

May I congratulate you in bringing camouflage, betrayal, and criminality to a new level. While Barbara & I spent the month of April on the Naco line & Hunter Canyon, Arizona and two subsequent tours on the Arizona border, we both became buoyed by your stance on the illegal Mexican invasion coupled with the OTM’s.

I must confess even with that excitement you created, we both were nervous and remained unconvinced of your political position…and of course this nervousness was borne out by our long standing knowledge of corrupt politicians and their criminal involvements.

As previously stated our bubble burst when learning that you are a member of the U.S./Mexican Congressional Caucus, chaired by Drier & Stenholm—your agenda to promote Mexican interest over America’s.

Then comes your membership in the India Caucus, which deserves no comment, only disgust. Coupled with the aforementioned comes your amendment that would increase Green Cards from 140,000 per year to 205,000.

I have known for years that you scurrilous politicians were playing a shell game with immigration and making fools of middleclass Americans, and at the same time reducing us to 3rd World status, i.e. slavery.

Your bravado regarding illegal immigration, while at the same time promoting an indentured servitude campaign at the expense of American middleclass makes you one of the most favored politicians for the institution of immediate trials for treason. We are taking in 1.5 million legals per year, plus “anchors”, lotteries, refugees, etc. etc., along with 3 million per year illegal aliens.

J.D., I don’t know what you are thinking about, but to mimic another writer I will tell you that some 85% Americans want legal & illegal immigration terminated and the clock is ticking for you—tick, tick, tick, tick.

Don’t come on the Dobbs show with that sanctimonious look while you are wallowing in political slime—both parties.

Kindest regards,
Joe McCutchen

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